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COVID-19 Information and Updates:

National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) NCLD provides assistance and resources to help parents make the transition to distance learning.


Pacer: Pacer provides excellent distance learning resources for students with disabilities.


All Together Autism: This website provides research and information on strategies to help autistic children succeed with distance learning. 


Council For Exceptional Children (CEC): CEC provides resources for parents to support their children.



NYC/NYS Special Education Guides:

Advocates for Children (AFC) Special Education Guide: AFC is dedicated exclusively to protecting every child’s right to an education. The Special Education Guide provides a detailed step-by-step explanation of the Special Education process in NYC.


A Parent's Guide: Special Education in New York State for Children Ages 3-21: This guide provides information for parents, guardians, and other family members about laws, regulations and policies affecting special education programs and services in New York State.


NYC DOE Family Guide to Special Education Services: This guide was created to provide information about how the New York City Department of Education (DOE) determines if a student ages 5 to 21 is eligible for special education services and how the DOE provides special education services. (click on the PDF link on the webpage for the guide).


NYC DOE Family Guide to Pre-School Special Education: This guide describes the services and supports available to preschool children and will help to understand your rights as the parent of a child who has been referred or identified as having a disability. It also contains recommendations on how to best collaborate with your child’s school and Committee on Preschool Special Education (click on the PDF link on the webpage for the guide).


NYC Special Education Standard Operating Procedure Manual: The SOPM reflects current information on major school-age special education processes and procedures in the DOE. It is a “living” document, updated on an ongoing basis as policies change and processes and descriptions are refined (click on the SOPM link on the webpage for the manual).


NYS Guide to Early Intervention Program Guide:  This guide provides information on eligibility requirements for services, and the early intervention process.


NYS Department of Education - Procedural Safeguard Notice for NY Parents: This guide concerns procedural safeguards that are a parent’s legal rights under federal and State laws to be informed about and involved in the special education process and to make sure that the child receives a free appropriate public education (FAPE).


NYC Department of Education – Related Services: This NYC DOE webpage provides information about the various related services provided to students.


Specialized Transportation – NYC: This NYC DOE webpage provides information on specialized transportation for students with Individual Education Programs that recommend this service.



Legal and Civil Rights:

Parents for Inclusive Education (PIE): This is a New York City based group of parents, advocates and professionals working to improve inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities in the public-school system.  


Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF): DREDF works to protect and advance the civil rights of people with disabilities through law and policy legislation and through the training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities.


Arise Coalition: The members of the Action for Reform in Special Education (ARISE) Coalition have joined together to provide a collective and powerful voice in support of students with disabilities and learning differences in New York City public schools. Arise seeks to improve day-to-day experiences and long-term outcomes for these students and champion systemic reform.


Disability Rights Advocates (DRA): DRA works for the protection and advancement of civil rights for people with disabilities through research, education, and legal advocacy.


Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates: COPAA members work to protect the legal and civil rights of and secure excellence in education on behalf of tens of thousands of students with disabilities and their families each year at the national, state and local levels.


Voice of Reason (VOR): VOR is the only national organization to advocate for a full range of quality residential options and services, including own home, family home, community-based service options, and licensed facilities.


American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: The AAIDD provides information and advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.



Important Contacts:

NYC DOE Committee on Special Education Contacts:


Division of Specialized Instruction and Student


Special Education Hotline: 718-935-2007 or 311


Related Services


Impartial Hearing


Preschool Education: 


Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)


Pre-K For All and Elementary School


Pre-K For All or 212-374-0351


Pre-K For All 504


District 75 Programs:


Use the Find a School tool to find contact information for your school


District 75 Superintendent's Office: 212-802-1500 or



Advocacy / Legislation:

Decisions of the State Review Officer ("SRO")


Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy


NYS Education Website: Regulations of the Commissioner of Education



Support for Various Disabilities:

Learning Disabilities:


INCLUDE nyc:  Include NYC is the leading provider of training and information for young people with any disability (age 0-26) in New York City, their families, and the professionals who support them. It creates access to educational, employment, and independent living opportunities, and advocate with families for meaningful inclusion in the broader community.


Pacer Center: Pacer operates on the principles of parents helping parents, supporting families, promoting a safe environment for all children, and working in collaboration with others. Pacer provides workshops, materials for parents and professionals, and leadership in securing a free and appropriate public education for all children.


Parent to Parent USA:  Parent to Parent provides emotional & informational support for families of children who have special needs.


Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA): LDA aims to create opportunities and success for all individuals affected by learning disabilities.


National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): NCLD provides information to parents, professionals and individuals with learning disabilities, promotes research and programs to foster effective learning, and advocates for policies to protect and strengthen educational rights and opportunities.

have joined together to provide a collective and powerful voice in support of students with special needs in New York City. We seek to compel systemic reform to improve special education, promote greater transparency and accountability of the education system, and most critically, assure more positive outcomes and options for all students.




Child Mind Institute – What Parents Should Know About ADHD : This guide from Child Mind Institute offers parents the information needed to understand the behaviors associated with ADHD and make effective decisions about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.


From Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Chadd) - ADHD and School: A Toolkit for Parents: This toolkit provides parents with strategies to help with school success in children with ADHD.  It includes resources tailored to ADHD struggles, such as how to create routines, how to set up a homework station, and how to structure home-school communication. Additional resources include customizable charts, and information on the rights of students with ADHD from the U.S. Office for Civil Rights.


Attitude Magazine: This is a an online magazine dedicated to  providing parents with everything they need to know about ADHD, oppositional defiance, positive parenting, school and learning challenges, health and wellbeing, social skills, executive functions, treatment & more.




Parents’ Guide to Dyslexia (Child Mind Institute): This guide provides information and how to support and advocate for your child with dyslexia.


Helpful Dyslexia Apps (From The Tech Advocate): Dyslexic students can benefit greatly from using technology. Using these 11 recommended apps and tools will help dyslexic children can keep up in the classroom.


Fun Educational Games for Kids With Dyslexia (From Parenting Pod): This article highlights 17 activities and games that have proven to be the effective for children with dyslexia.


Speech and Language Disorders:


Speech Buddy: Speech Buddy is on a mission to improve the lives of children with speech and language challenges. It provides speech therapists recommendations throughout the country and clinically proven practice tools.


The Dyspraxia Foundation US: Dyspraxia US provides information, advocacy, fundraising, and support for parents of children with dyspraxia.


Apraxia Kids: Apraxia Kids provides information, webinars, and support groups for parents of children with apraxia.




Autism Speaks: Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. It does this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.


AutismNow.Org : provides a dynamic and interactive, highly visible and effective central point of quality resources and information for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disabilities, their families, and other targeted key stakeholders.


The Autism Society: The Autism Society has been improving the lives of all affected by autism for over 50 years and envisions a world where individuals and families living with autism are able to maximize their quality of life, are treated with the highest level of dignity, and live in a society in which their talents and skills are appreciated and valued. It provides advocacy, education, information and referral, support, and community at national, state and local levels through our strong nationwide network of affiliates.

Sesame Street Autism Resources for Parents: This is a nationwide initiative for children with autism, ages 2 to 5. It was developed with input from parents, people who serve the autism community, and people with autism. It offers families ways to manage common challenges, to simplify everyday activities, and to grow connections and support from family, friends, and community.


CDC Autism Links and Resources: This provides a comprehensive list of helpful websites related to autism.


All Together Autism: Based in New Zealand, this site provides a wealth of quality and credible information and resources on autism.


Autism Parent Magazine: This online magazine provides the latest information, advice, and autism resources for parents.


Blindness & Vision Loss:


American Council of the Blind: The American Council of the Blind strives to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people. It also provides resources for parents raising children with vision impairments.


American Foundation for the Blind (AFB): ARB advocates children who are blind or visually impaired, to make sure they have the resources they need, including textbooks and classroom materials.


Deafness & Hearing:


Hearing Like Me: This website provides an abundance of resources, advice, articles, and technology information to parents with children who are deaf or have hearing loss.


National Association of the Deaf (NAD): NAD is the nation’s premier civil rights organization of, by and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America. It has a section on deafness and hearing loss in youth.


Neurological Disorders:


Family Hope Center The mission of Family Hope Center is to help children with neurodevelopmental disorders and educate and empower parents to take a primary and active role in their children’s development.


Cerebral Palsy Group: Cerebral Palsy Group provides high quality, medically-reviewed data on everything related to cerebral palsy as well as birth injury topics. 


Traumatic Brain Injury: This is a parent’s guide to raising a child with traumatic brain injury.


Epilepsy Foundation: The Epilepsy Foundation strives to improve and save lives through its community services, public education, access to care campaign, research initiatives, and new therapies funding.


United Spinal Association: United Spinal Association is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of all people living with spinal cord injuries and disorders, and providing support and information to loved ones, care providers and professionals.


Tourette Association of America: Tourette Association of America provides research, support, advocacy, and education for those living with Tourette Syndrome.


Addiction & Mental Health:


Child Mind Institute — Child Mind Institute provides information about treatment options for children with mental health issues.


National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Nami is the nation’s largest grassroots organization for people with mental illness and their families. It is a good resource for descriptions of mental illness and medications for treatment.


GreatSchools.Org: This website provides parenting tips for raising a child with mental disorders.


Family Resource Center: The Family Resource Center empowers families to understand and address a child's substance use.



Assistive Technology:

Closing the Gap: Closing the Gap is community of passionate and empowered teachers, therapists, clinicians, parents, and manufacturers – all emphatically working together to change lives with assistive technology.


Center on Technology and Disability (CTD): CTD provides a wealth of free, high-quality resources and events on all aspects of assistive technology.


The Tech Advocate: The Tech Advocate Advances explains and provides information on technology that can promote student engagement, immerse students in real-world issues, enhance discussions and workshops, and facilitate formative assessment.


National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM): AEM teaches the basics about accessible educational materials and accessible technologies, then dives deeper in our other resources throughout the site.




College Resources For Students with Disabilities:


College Guide for Students With Learning Disabilities


College Resources for Students With Disabilities


Financial Aid For Students With Disabilities:


Students with Disabilities, Financial Aid Options


Employment / Vocational Resources For Students With Disabilities:


Vocational and Trade School Guide for Students with Disabilities


The Guide to Securing Life-long Accommodations for Adult Children with Special Needs


Careers For Students With Disabilities


Career Guide for Students with Disabilities



Estate Planning:

Special Needs Alliance (SNA): SNA provides information on developing an estate plan for parents of children with special needs.


Understood:  This website provides a checklist for estate planning for parents of children with special needs.


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